So according to some evolutionary psychologists, making music can be explained as a function for attracting mates. This graph shows the ages of the creators of famous jazz albums- it corresponds directly to their sexual capacities as it peaks at the age males are most fertile.
Incidentally, this also directly relates to the fact that there is a higher proportion of women in the front row of the audience, as all that testosterone makes us go crazy.
A few weeks a go I got a place interning for the radio team at the Red Bull Music Academy in LDN. After a mind-blowingly brilliant time, I can now pass on what it's all about...
Every year since 1999 Red Bull have hosted a music academy in a different city in the world. This is a place for emerging musicians, producers or DJs to spend two weeks with the best equipment they can imagine, lectures from inspirational people in the music world, and opportunities to play at the most exciting nights the city has to offer. If you get a place, of which it is exceptionally difficult, you are bound for an exposure you could never make up yourself.
Talking to the participants chosen, of whom there are 60 in total, it seems to be that the most important part of the academy is the collaborations that take place. Purposely, there are less studios than there are participants, so they join up, make songs, remix songs, and of course, stay in touch after. For an idea of the results, past participants have included the now legendary flying lotus, who's lush track 'tea leaf dancers' came directly out of the academy with Andrea Triana, Kanye's sidekick mr. hudson, Glasgow's finest hudson mohawke, dorian concept, cosminTRG,xxxchange, and teebs.
Such a lot. So that's the past, the future of the Academy is this year's participants, and my oh my has the world got it coming. I was there in the 'second term' i.e. last two weeks, so my coverage may be biased, but here it is anyway.
Who to look out for...
To start, Juan Son: Despite rhyming with handsome, this male is effeminately beautiful. He already has a Latin-American grammy nomination and is basically one of the most wonderful people you could hope to come across. His vocals are transparently womanly and affected, giving him the aura of another world, reflecting his whole persona which, ultimately, belongs in Avatar: HERE
Next is Illum Sphere: AKA Ryan Hunn from Manchester, an emerging 'mutant' producer. As well as making his own music (in which every release gets better) he is also remixing for Warp signings, releasing on Martyn's new label 3024, and running one of the most successful and foward-thinking nights in the North of England, Hoya:Hoya. With a sly feature on Thom Yorke's infamous playlist, the only way is foward now- via many dates on the calender... ILLUM